Islamganj High Madrasah is an Upper Primary,Secondary and Higher Secondary Institution with 8+ & 10+ Vocational Trade in the locality of Chapra. It was established in the year 1942 and the Madrasah is recognized under West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education & West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education. It’s a Bengali Medium - Co-educational Institution.
Islamganj High Madrasah runs in a government school building. The school has total 55 classrooms. The lowest Class is 5 and the highest class in the school is 12. There are near about 3000 students under the care of 34 Assistant Teachers, 12 Para Teachers, 8 Votational Instructors, 1 Librarian & 4 Non Teaching Staff. The Madrasah has a well equipped library having more than 3000 books available